Kırsal Yoksulluğun Giderilmesinde Kadın Girişimciliğin Rolü: Lavanta Kokulu Köy Örneği (The Role of Woman Entrepreneurship in Reduction of Rural Poverty: A Case of Levander Smelling Village)


  • Fatmanur Kübra AYLAN
  • Hatice SARI GÖK
  • Simge ŞALVARCI



Rural poverty, Woman entrepreneurship, Tourism, MAXQDA


Policies and strategies for the reduction and prevention of rural poverty are identified and implemented at both national and international levels. The aim of these policies is to ensure that the under developed regions have a share in tourism sector. Increasing women's employment in reducing rural poverty is of great importance. The tourism sector and the women are in two-way interaction. While the need for women's employment increases in the regions where tourism develops, women's entrepreneurship activities also contribute to the development of tourism. Women are both producers and sellers of items created in rural areas. Thanks to the development of tourism and women's entrepreneurship activities, rural poverty is reduced and sustainable development is supported. The aim of this study is to reveal the role of tourism sector and women entrepreneurship activities in rural poverty reduction. The study was carried out in Kuyucak village, which is famous for its lavender gardens.


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How to Cite

AYLAN, F. K. ., SARI GÖK, H., & ŞALVARCI, S. (2023). Kırsal Yoksulluğun Giderilmesinde Kadın Girişimciliğin Rolü: Lavanta Kokulu Köy Örneği (The Role of Woman Entrepreneurship in Reduction of Rural Poverty: A Case of Levander Smelling Village). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 7(2), 1271–1289.