Sokak Lezzetlerini Tatma Amacıyla İstanbul’u Ziyaret Eden Turistlerin İstanbul Seyahatlerinin Değerlendirilmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma (A Study on the Evaluation of Istanbul Travels of Tourists Visiting Istanbul for Tasting Street Flavors)
Street foods, İstanbul, Gastronomy, GastrotouristAbstract
The number of tourists participating in gastronomy tourism has increased and the countries and cities that want to benefit from gastronomy tourism are engaged in promotion, marketing and organizing activities. Gastrotourists are people who travel to taste the dishes of different cultures, to learn the presentations and services of these dishes and to experience different food cultures. While the first thing that comes to mind about street foods is Asian and African countries, with its continuing multiculturalism from the past to the present, Istanbul street foods can be said to represent all part of Turkey. The main purpose of this research is to reveal the demographic characteristics of the tourists visiting Istanbul to taste the street tastes and to evaluate the satisfaction of Istanbul travel. Questionnaire was used to collect data as a means of data collection. In this respect, a survey was conducted on 430 people who visited Istanbul at the touristic points of Istanbul between October 15, 2018 and January 15, 2019 for the purpose of tasting street flavors. The resulting data, it was concluded that the majority of the participants were university graduates and that the most preferred means of transportation was the aircraft and the satisfaction level of the participants was highly satisfied.
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