The Impact of Gastronomy Festivals Intended to Visit the Perceived Destination and Visit Again: Fethiye Yeşilüzümlü and Region Morel Mushroom Festival Example


  • Aydan BEKAR
  • Emine KOCATÜRK
  • Çağrı SÜRÜCÜ


Perceived destination image, Revisit intention, Yesiluzumlu, Morel mushroom festival


Festivals are social and cultural activities designed to promote pleasant, special and extraordinary, local and regional products. In this context, our country hosts many national and international festivals with different themes. The 9th Festive Yesiluzumlu Morel Mushroom Festival held in 2017 is one of these festivals. This study the effects of gastronomy themed festivals on the perceived destination image and the effect of the participants on the intention to visit again. The universe of the research is composed of participants who visited Fethiye Yeşilüzümlü and region Morel Mushroom Festival held in Yesiluzumlu Town of Fethiye. The data of the research were collected by the questionnaire developed by the researchers. In the analysis of the data, factor analysis, percentage value, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis were used. The contribution of the festival to the image of the region is economic, social and cultural, respectively. it was also found that there was a positive positive relationship between the perceived destination image and the intention to visit again.


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How to Cite

BEKAR, A., KOCATÜRK, E., & SÜRÜCÜ, Çağrı. (2023). The Impact of Gastronomy Festivals Intended to Visit the Perceived Destination and Visit Again: Fethiye Yeşilüzümlü and Region Morel Mushroom Festival Example. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 5(Special Issue 2), 28–36. Retrieved from

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