Fine-Dining Restoran İşletmelerinde Canlı Müzik: Müşteriler ve İşletmeler Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Live Music in the Fine-Dining Restaurant Business: The Assessment of Customers and Businesses)


  • Erdin BEKAR
  • Aydan BEKAR



Fine-dining, Live music, Customer satisfaction, Revisit intention


The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of live music applications in the Fine-Dining restaurant business for customers and businesses. For this purpose, the satisfaction levels of the customers, the duration of the visit, the amount of purchase, the intention to visit again and the amount of income of the restaurant were compared with the days without live music. Attention has been paid to the distribution of customer density in the selection of the research days. Customers and managers of a Fine-Dining restaurant serving in Göcek town of Fethiye, Muğla participated in the study. The research data were collected by using a mixed method including questionnaire and interview interview. In the analysis of the data, independent group t-test and absolute percentage values which are parametric tests, were used. As a result of the study, it has been observed that live music application has a statistically significant effect on customer satisfaction, duration of the visit in the restaurant, intention to visit again and purchasing amount in Fine-Dining restaurant enterprises. In addition, it was revealed that live music increased the number of queues, restaurant income and per capita income. For this reason, live music applications in the restaurants in accordance with the customer-oriented live music applications to be implemented, taking into account the structural characteristics of music (style, volume, tempo, curtain, style, rhythm and harmony, etc.) and live music applications with a special experience to customers have been proposed to create an emotional connection between the spaces and the customers.


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How to Cite

BEKAR , E. ., & BEKAR , A. . (2023). Fine-Dining Restoran İşletmelerinde Canlı Müzik: Müşteriler ve İşletmeler Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Live Music in the Fine-Dining Restaurant Business: The Assessment of Customers and Businesses). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 8(2), 1396–1412.

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