Z Kuşağının Gastronomi Turizmine İlişkin Tutumlarının Yenilik Arayışı Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of The Attitudes of Generation Z on Gastronomy Tourism in The Scope of Novelty Seeking)
Generation Z, Gastronomy tourism, Novelty seekingAbstract
This study was carried out to evaluate the attitudes of generation Z on gastronomy tourism within the scope of novelty seeking. Quantitative approach was adopted in this research. Although the classification of the generations varies according to some researchers, in this study, those born between 1995 and 2012 were defined as generation Z based on the classification of Schroer (2015) and Singh (2014). In this context, while the population of the study consists of consumers who born between these dates and 18 years old age and older; the sample of the study consists of 397 consumers with these characteristics who voluntarily accepted to participate in this study. A questionnaire was used as a data collection tool in the research. The results of the data were evaluated using absolute and percentage values, item analysis, reliability analysis, mean and standard deviation values, normality analysis, explanatory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. According to the results, generation Z intend to participate in gastronomy tourism activities for the purpose of seeking more thrill within the scope of novelty seeking. In addition to this, it has been concluded that their participation in gastronomy tourism activities partly in the intention to boredom alleviation, surprise and change from routine.
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