The Impact of Tablet Menu Usage in Restaurants on Revisit Intention
Restaurant, Restaurant management, Revisit intention, Technology acceptance modelAbstract
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the revised Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) can be used as a theoretical model to examine the intentions of customers to revisit restaurants that use tablet menus. After the review of related literature, the scales of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived fun and revisit intention were used in this study. Quantitative method was used in this research. Population of the study consisted of people who once have been the customers of two restaurants located in Kayseri using tablet menus. In the study, purposive and convenience sampling methods were used together and the sample consisted of 369 restaurant customers. Correlation and regression analyzes were performed after the validity and reliability of the scales were demonstrated. The results of the analysis indicate that perception of usefulness and perceived entertainment has significant effect on the revisit intention of restaurant customers who prefer restaurants with tablet menus. However, it was also found that perceived ease of use does not have a significant effect on revisit intention. The study ended with recommendations for practitioners and further researches.
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