Alcoholic Beverages Pricing in À La Carte Restaurants: A Study on Restaurants Operating in Mersin City Center


  • A. Celil ÇAKICI
  • Aysen ERCAN
  • Meral ÜZÜLMEZ
  • Sercan BENLİ


Pricing methods, Restaurant, Alchol, Raki, Mersin


Pricing is the only element of marketing mix which provides income. Therefore, pricing is
critically important for businesses. Pricing methods have been listed as cost, competition
and demand-based pricing. Restaurant businesses generally prefer cost-based pricing
methods. It is considered as cost-plus pricing, factor pricing and break-even point among
cost-based pricing. Cost-based pricing methods can be applied frequently for reasons
generally such as knowing the cost function, simplicity and ease of implementation. In this
study, it is tried to determine the factors which are taken into consideration for
determining prices of the most selling Raki among alcoholic beverages in the restaurants
where operate in Mersin city center and have à la carte service. Data were collected via
interview method.


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How to Cite

ÇAKICI, A. C., ERCAN, A., ÜZÜLMEZ, M., & BENLİ, S. (2022). Alcoholic Beverages Pricing in À La Carte Restaurants: A Study on Restaurants Operating in Mersin City Center. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 4(Special Issue 1), 18–31. Retrieved from

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