Örgüte ve Yöneticiye Bağlılığın İş Performansına Etkisinde Gelirin Düzenleyici Rolü: Otel Mutfak Çalışanları Üzerinde Bir Araştırma (The Moderator Role of Income in the Effect of Commitment to Organization and Supervisor on Job Performance: A Research on Hotel Kitchen Workers)
Organizational commitment, Commitment to supervisor, Job performance, Income, ChefAbstract
The aim of the study is to determine the moderator role of the commitment to the chef in the relationship between the organizational commitment of the employees and their job performance in institutionalized hotel kitchens. In this context, data were collected from the kitchen staff of one of the national chain hotels in March-April 2019, using the survey technique (n=124). According to the findings, commitment to the supervisor and the organization has significant positive effects on job performance. While the moderator role of income is significant in the relationship between organizational commitment and job performance; it is not significant in the relationship between commitment to the supervisor and job performance. Employees with a high commitment to the chef show high performance regardless of their income level. Organizational commitment, on the other hand, increases the job performance of the below-average income group, but does not create a significant increase in the above-average income group. Within the scope of organizational commitment dimensions, the moderator role of income is significant in the relationship between continuance commitment and job performance; while it is not significant in the relationship between normative-affective commitments and job performance. As normative and affective commitments increase, job performance also increases independently of income. On the other hand, as the continuance commitment increases, the job performance of those with below-average income increases; job performance of those with above-average income declines.
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