Yiyecekle İlgili Kişilik Özelliklerinin Lezzet Davranışına Etkisi (The Impact of Food-Related Personality Traits on Taste Attitude)
Neophobia, Neophilia, Variety seeking, Taste attitudeAbstract
Individuals might exhibit different attitudes towards food. Some people abstain from trying new foods while others seek variety and desire trying them. In this context, a research was conducted in order to determine the impact of food-related personality traits on taste attitude. The data was collected through a survey based on literature review. The survey was conducted on restaurant customers who live in Kayseri, are aged between 20 and 69, and dine out at least once a year. The survey was carried out between the dates of 01.05-31.07, 2018, based on quota sampling. A total of 1286 surveys were analysed using factor and regression analyses, along with one sample T- test and analysis of variance. While it is found out that variance seeking does not have a meaningful impact on taste attitude, neophobia is found out to have a negative impact on taste attitude, and neophilia is discovered to have a positive impact on taste attitude.
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