Frequently Faced Business Problems of A-la-carte Restaurants Operating in Antakya


  • A. Celil ÇAKICI
  • Buket Dilan UZPAK
  • Melda KAYNAK


Restaurant, Business problems, Antakya


Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SME's) are an important part of an economy. This
ratio is about 90% in Turkey. In tourism industry, it is faced with a similar situation; small
and medium-sized enterprises constitute of an important segment. Restaurants, which are
among the enterprises of the tourism industry, have the features of SME's and are
experiencing the similar problems with SME's in general. In this study, it is aimed to
determine the frequently faced business problems of a-la-carte restaurants operating in
Antakya. In this context; it is proposed to identify the problems related with the place of
establishment, material procurement, food production, recruitment of kitchen and service
staff. Data in the research was gathered using interview form approach by the researchers
between the dates of 2nd and 9th January, 2015. Data were subjected to content analysis.
Thirty five restaurants businesses participated in the research. Almost two thirds of the
enterprises are the individual companies and one out of five has the status of the limited
company. While 16 of the companies were established before 2000, 19 of them started to
operate after 2001.


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How to Cite

ÇAKICI, A. C., UZPAK, B. D., & KAYNAK, M. (2022). Frequently Faced Business Problems of A-la-carte Restaurants Operating in Antakya. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 4(Special Issue 1), 18–31. Retrieved from

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