Vizyoner Liderlik, Örgütsel Bağlılık ve İş Performansı İlişkisi: Otel Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma (The Relationship between Visionary Leadership, Organizational Commitment and Job Performance: A Research on Hotel Employees)
Visionary leadership, Organizational commitment, Jop performanceAbstract
In this study, it is primarily aimed to reveal the relationships between the variables of visionary leadership, organizational commitment and job performance. Research data collected from 328 employees working in a hotel enterprise in October-November 2022. As a result of the correlation analysis based on the findings obtained in the study, it has been determined that there is a positive and significant relationship between visionary leadership, organizational commitment, and job performance. The results of the regression analysis showed that visionary leadership has a significant effect on organizational commitment and job performance, and organizational commitment has a significant effect on job performance. Accordingly, it is observed that if the visionary leadership perceptions of hotel employees increase, their organizational commitment and job performance levels will also increase. On the other hand, the findings of the research also show that organizational commitment has a partial mediation effect on the effect of visionary leadership on job performance in the examined hotel enterprise.
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