Çerkes Mutfağının Sürdürülebilirliği Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Sakarya İli Örneği (A Research on Sustainability of Circassian Kitchen: Sakarya City Example)
Sustainability, Circassian cuisine, Migration, DiasporaAbstract
The concept of eating and drinking has always had a very important place in human history since primitive societies. Societies developed culinary cultures specific to their own regions with the effect of cultural values and environmental factors they knead over time. Culinary culture, one of these cultural values, arises from the origins of people regardless of whether the nations still live there, but regional sources, belief and knowledge, ethnicity, migration, agriculture, etc. It is shaped depending on the factors. At this point, the changes experienced in the traditional dishes of the nations facing the concept of immigration were aimed to be determined. In this study, interviews were conducted with 47 people based on the change experienced by one of the diaspora nations, the Circassian cuisine. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using computer aided data analysis programs. In line with these data, it is concluded that traditional meals are served by young people, mothers play the biggest role in cultural transfer, children are in the education sector and various activities should be organized to promote culinary culture.
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