Gastronomic Interactions of Individuals Belonging To Different Religious Beliefs Living In Hatay
Gastronomy, Hatay, Religions, Heavenly, Food-BeverageAbstract
As for this will be set out in the consciousness of Hatay cuisine interaction of individuals belonging to different religious beliefs by taking colorful mosaic with the direction gastronomic interaction in the province of cultures and religions have been examined in this study, the effect of gastronomy on religion has also emerged at this point. Hatay is one of the most prominent cities of different religions lived together in Turkey. Surveyed individuals consists 72% Muslims, 21% Christians and Jews 7%. At the same time 90% of respondents stated that there are people with different religious beliefs in the environment of them. In terms of beliefs that support the idea that a significant interaction in Hatay. When spices are examined in terms of religious beliefs, it shows gastronomic interaction that the most frequently used spices are common. 52%of Jewish, 33, 8% of Christian participants said that they learned to make a new food of the region. 12% of the Jewish, 76, 3% Christian and 2, 6% Muslims uses the pork.
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