Turist Rehberleri Bakış Açısıyla Dijitalleşme ve Robot Rehberler (A Study of Digitilisation and Robot Guıdes From The Perspectıve of Tourıst Guides)


  • Sinem ÖZALKAN
  • Derya Şimay ÖZKURT




Tourist guides, Digitalisation, Robot tourist guides, Service robots


This study aims to investigate the attitudes towards digitalisation, and the potential advantages and disadvantages of digitalisation and service robots to the profession of tourist guiding from the perspectives of tourist guides. The data for the study were collected from twenty tourist guides, registered with the Aydin Chamber of Tourist Guides, through semi-structured interviews. The data were analysed by content analysis. The interviews with the tourist guides showed that tourist guides made use of some of the technologies such as the headset, navigation, and audio guides. These technologies appeared to be already used by some of the tourist guides especially on certain occasions to support their explanations to tourists when it is difficult to do so by themselves, on their own. It was expressed that the use of robot tourist guides may result in conveying information that lacks emotion, though the use of them may offer advantages in terms of reducing the workload in museums and archaeological sites. With the fast pace of technological developments and their applications to various aspects of daily life, applications of technological developments have been widespread in the tourism industry as well. These technological developments have significantly influenced the work of tourist guides who are usually in close interaction with tourists. Though they may have certain disadvantages and they may be seen as a threat to replace the jobs of the tourist guides, when used appropriately they may enhance tourist guides' jobs in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. The applications such as the Audio-Guide, QR code, and virtual reality should not be viewed as competition as they may be adapted to the tours and enable tourist guides to benefit from the several advantages of these applications.


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How to Cite

ÖZALKAN, S., ÖZKURT, D. Şimay, & YAZICI AYYILDIZ, A. (2023). Turist Rehberleri Bakış Açısıyla Dijitalleşme ve Robot Rehberler (A Study of Digitilisation and Robot Guıdes From The Perspectıve of Tourıst Guides). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 10(2), 1415–1435. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2022.1050

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