İstanbul ve Londra’daki Michelin Yıldızlı Restoranlara Yönelik Müşteri Şikâyetlerinin Karşılaştırılması (Comparison of Customer Complaints towards Michelin Starred Restaurants in Istanbul and London)
Istanbul, London, Michelin Guide, Customer complaint, RestaurantsAbstract
In this study, which compares 1 and 2 Michelin Star restaurants in London with restaurants in Istanbul, it is aimed to determine whether the complaints in the online environment differ according to gender, culture and location. Qualitative research method was utilised in the study. Michelin Starred restaurants constitute the universe of the research. The sample of the research consists of a total of 75 restaurants, including 1 restaurant with 2 Michelin Stars, 6 restaurants with 1 Michelin Star in Istanbul and 14 restaurants with 2 Michelin Stars, 54 restaurants with 1 Michelin Star in London. A total of 753 comments in the online environment between 01 February-05 February 2024 were evaluated within the scope of the research by content analysis technique. According to the findings, it is seen that customer complaints do not differ according to gender and location. However, it is seen that the complaint issues differ in some cultures. It is seen that the most common issues that customers complain about are service, food, staff, ambience and environment.
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