Kuşaklara Göre Turistlerin Destinasyon İmaj Algılarının, Hatırlanabilir Turizm Deneyimleri Üzerine Etkisi: Kuşadası Örneği
Memorable tourism experience, Perception of destination ımage, GenerationsAbstract
Having memorable tourism experience is one of the significant factors that could affect tourists’ preference of holiday destination. Another factor that may influence tourists’ decision on holiday destination place is their perception of destination image. Since tourism is an abstract human need, the only remaining thing left behind after their holiday is marks of this travel in their minds. Value of such tourism experience, regarded as an abstract product, could be measured by assessing experiences. The extent of memorability of holiday experience of tourists is determinant of strength of destination image because positive holiday experiences would affect tourists’ perception of holiday destinations in the same way. A holiday experience with positive memoirs would be considered as a positive reference for a new travel. Moreover, experiences of individuals from different generations vary from each other. The main objective of the present study is to investigate into the effect of domestic or foreign tourists’ perception of destination image on their memorable tourism experience with respect to their generations for Kuşadası. In line with this objective, study data was collected through a survey study conducted over 390 domestic or foreign tourists visited Kuşadası. As a result of the study, it was determined that memorable tourism experiences exhibited difference with respect to generations. It was considered that exploration of the correlation among the concepts regarded within this study would yield benefits for academic researchers and tourism business managers.
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