Turizm Pazarında Yeni Bir Fırsat: Bleisure (A New Opportunity in Tourism Market: Bleisure)
Bleisure tourism, Bleisure tourist, Business travelAbstract
The word Bleisure is a combination of the words "business" and "leisure". Bleisure is a new tourism trend and it means valuing the leisure times in business trips by using them for touristic activities. The aim of this study is to explain the new "bleisure" concept and to understand the recognition of this lately popular concept by the sector representatives and their practices about this concept. To this end, interviews were conducted with three hotel managers, three travel agency managers and four professional tourist guides working in Kuşadası, a tourist destination, by using the semi-structured interview technique. Descriptive analysis method, which is among the qualitative research methods, was used for the data analysis. Bleisure is a completely new concept for hotel businesses and travel agencies, and it has been discovered that they currently do not give importance to bleisure tourists. On the other hand, it has been understood that the professional tourist guides participated in activities such as exploring the places they have been to as bleisure tourists, taking part in cultural activities, tasting new delicacies and shopping by extending their business trips for two or three days.
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