Restoranlarda Kullanılan Akıllı Teknolojiler ve Robot Restoranlar Hakkında Tripadvisor’da Yapılan Yorumların Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of Tripadvisor Comments on Smart Technologies Used in Restaurants and Robot Restaurants)
Robot, Robot restaurant, Smart technologyAbstract
The last stage of industrial revolutions that have been brought about with the rapid development
of technology from the past to the present is Industry 4.0. The fact that smart applications have
gained increasingly greater importance in human life has also affected the tourism sector. Food
and drink establishments, which are one of the important branches of the sector, also have many
smart applications in them regarding the developing technology. Smart technologies, which are
used in achieving customer satisfaction, speeding up the workflow and using labor productively
before, during and after the experience of eating and drinking, constitute importance in the
advancement of the sector. The fact that robotics technologies have also become prevalent and
started to replace human labor in the tourism sector affects the number of restaurants that are
offering services with robot employees. In this sense, within the scope of this study, comments
on the Tripadvisor website made about 10 robot restaurants operational in India, France, the
United Kingdom, Thailand and Japan were examined in all languages. These comments were
examined in terms of the criteria of food, price, service, personnel, atmosphere, experience,
cleanliness, robot waiter, robot cook and robot demonstration, and content analysis was carried
out. The purpose of this study was to provide contributions to the development in the sector and
studies to be conducted in the relevant literature by revealing the positive and negative aspects
of the experiences of consumers preferring robot restaurants. As a result of the study, it was
determined that customers found services they received from robot employees interesting, but
the restaurants had shortcomings regarding the criteria of price, atmosphere and food.
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