The Covid-19 Pandemic and Fermented Products
Covid-19, Fermented products, Pandemic, Fermented food and immune systemAbstract
Research on Covid 19 pandemic has recommended the consumption of various foods, beverages, nutritional supplements, along with the nutrients that support the immune system against the Covid-19 disease. Fermented foods are also included among the recommended foods to be consumed. In addition to increasing food variety, fermented foods promote the immune system by making foods more digestible. In other words, as an ancient method of protecting food, fermentation might alleviate the effects of Covid-19 by increasing antioxidant activity for milk, fruit, meat, cereals, fish and vegetables. This study aimed to examine the effects of fermented foods on the immune system and the factors associated with the consumption of probiotic products concerning the prevention of the disease in the Covid-19 pandemic. The keywords used were “fermented food, probiotic product, probiotic food, fermented foods and immune system, Covid-19 and probiotic products”. Yogurt, kefir, and kimchi were the probiotic products systematically reviewed in the examined studies. As a result, it has been contended that traditional fermented foods with higher antioxidant properties are consumed in countries with low mortality rates.
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