The Nutritional Content of Traditional Corn Bread and its Carotenoid Values
Corn, Corn Bread, Carotenoids, HPLC, GastronomyAbstract
Commonly found in nature are the pigments in many food groups. It has a significant function in the human body, such as strengthening immune system and specifically due to its provitamin A and antioxidant effects. With carotenoids’ chemical functions, they help to prevent a number of health problems before they occur in the body and to improve diseases existing. The aim of the study is to determine the carotenoid and nutritional elements of corn bread that was produced with flour obtained from local corn in Turkey. Experimental research method was used in the research and these samples were subjected to chemical analysis. Within the scope of the study, lutein, beta carotene, lycopene, energy, moisture, ash, protein, carbohydrate, dietary fibre, and fat analyses were made for three samples: corn flour, bread dough mix and baked corn bread. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the prepared corn bread is rich in lutein, protein, dietary fibre and natural oil and it is valuable in terms of the energy that it provides, but after the heat treatment, some of the nutrients are decreased.
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