Kıtlık Algısının Salda Gölü Ziyaretçileri Üzerinde İncelenmesi (Studying of Scarcity Perception on Salda Lake Visitors)


  • Sevgi KANIGÜR
  • Muhammed DEMİRALP
  • Azize HASSAN



Perception of scarcity, Scarcity theory, Salda Lake


One of the factors affecting consumer behavior is the perception of scarcity. The perception of scarcity can develop due to supply and demand in the context of quantity and time. Knowing the types and effects of scarcity perception also facilitates understanding and directing consumer behavior. To determine the motivations in the behavior of visitors in the tourism sector, it is important in terms of developing and executing appropriate tourism policies. When the perception of scarcity is evaluated in terms of tourism, Salda Lake which is in high demand and is in danger of losing its natural attractiveness, is an important example. Based on this importance, the purpose of the study is to evaluate the effect of the perception of scarcity on the visitors of Salda Lake within the scope of scarcity theory. Qualitative research method was used in the research and interviews were conducted with the visitors of Salda Lake. In the evaluation of the interview findings with descriptive analysis, the number of visitors to Salda Lake by years and the written press news about the region were used. According to the interview findings, as of 2019, the perception of scarcity began to increase in the number of participants and the reasons for visits. It has been found that the year in which the perception of scarcity is most effective is 2020. In conclusion it has been observed that the perception of both supply and demand-based scarcity is effective among the reasons for the visit of Salda Lake visitors.


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How to Cite

KANIGÜR , S. ., DEMİRALP , M. ., & HASSAN , A. . (2023). Kıtlık Algısının Salda Gölü Ziyaretçileri Üzerinde İncelenmesi (Studying of Scarcity Perception on Salda Lake Visitors). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(1), 1–19.

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