Turizm Bağlamında Birleştirilmiş Teknoloji Kabul ve Kullanım Teorisi Üzerine Bir Doküman Analizi (A Document Analysis on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology in the Context of Tourism)
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, UTAUT, Tourism, Document analysisAbstract
Unified Technology Acceptance and Use Theory (UTAUT) refers to a theory put forward by the combination of eight different theories and models associated with technology in the literature. The aim of this research is to descriptively examine the existence of UTAUT in scientific journals operating in the international tourism literature in the use and acceptance of technology by using document analysis method. From this point of view, the databases of Scopus, Science Direct, Taylor & Francis, Web of Science, Emerald Insight, Sage and TR Dizin were searched for data analysis. In these databases, articles published in the context of tourism from 2003, the year the theory was introduced, until 2021, were examined. “Unified Technology Acceptance and Use Theory”, “Birleştirilmiş Teknoloji Kabul ve Kullanım Teorisi”, “Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology”, “UTAUT”, “tourism” and “turizm” were chosen as keywords and an article was searched based on these words. In the study, the findings obtained in the analysis are included, and the place and importance of the theory in the tourism literature are discussed in the conclusion part. It is seen that studies based on theory are aimed at explaining tourists' online purchase intention. Some of the main forces of online purchasing intent in tourism are; performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation are facilitating conditions.
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