Aşırı Turizm Kapsamında Salda Gölü’nün Fiziksel Taşıma Kapasitesinin Belirlenmesi (Determining the Physical Carrying Capacity of Salda Lake in the Scope of Overtourism)


  • Veysel Mert KARA
  • Mehtap CELEP
  • Sevgi KANIGÜR




Overtourism, Salda Lake, Physical carrying capacity, Mars


Nowadays, because of overtourism in the destinations which are in high touristic demand; it is known that there are negative effects on wildlife, visitors and local people. In this study, Salda Lake, which has become popular in recent years, has been evaluated within the scope of overtourism. For this purpose, physical carrying capacity of Salda Lake has calculated for Yeşilova and Beyaz Adalar beaches by Cifuentes method. Salda Lake, which is home to endemic plant and animal species and different ecosystems, has been the 1st Degree Natural Protected Area since 1989. Further, it has international importance with its geological structures on the planet Mars. By determining the carrying capacities of Salda Lake, making visitor management plans is extremely important for the protection and sustainability of the region. Findings and results in this study are expected to contribute to Salda Lake and future studies.


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How to Cite

KARA, V. M., CELEP, M., & KANIGÜR, S. (2023). Aşırı Turizm Kapsamında Salda Gölü’nün Fiziksel Taşıma Kapasitesinin Belirlenmesi (Determining the Physical Carrying Capacity of Salda Lake in the Scope of Overtourism). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 8(Special Issue 4), 79–92. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2020.671