Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Gastrodiplomasi Uygulamaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma(A Research on the Gastrodiplomacy Practices in the World and in Turkey)
Gastronomy, Diplomacy, GastrodiplomacyAbstract
Food is one of the most basic needs for the continuation of human life. However, today it has gone beyond being just a requirement to be alive; It has become an important factor in the diplomacy of the countries. As a natural result of this situation, kitchens assist countries to determine and direct their policies. Gastrodiplomacy, which was emerged for the first time as a term in 2002 in an article named ‘food as ambassador’ that is about public diplomacy campaign to introduce food and cuisine art of Thailand to the world, ıs a dİplomatic method countries use in international relations through their cuisines. It is observed today that the countries that take the road with this purpose, prefer to introduce themselves with their own cuisines. The aim of this study is to bring forward the practices of gastrodiplomacy, one of the sub-branches of diplomacy in Turkey and in the World and to emphasize the importance of food not only for serving a physiological purpose, but also as an internatonal diplomacy method. The concept of gastrodiplomacy, its historical process, practices held int he World and in Turkey have been tried to put forward via literatüre review a secondary data collection technicue. The consideration of the findings, various suggestions were made to the industry and the academy.
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