Örgütsel Adalet Algısının Örgütsel Bağlılığa Etkisi: Bahşiş Havuzu ile Bireysel Bahşiş Sisteminin Karşılaştırılması (The Effect of Organizational Justice Perception on Organizational Commitment: Comparison of Pooling and Individual Tip Distribution Systems)
Organizational justice, Organizational commitment, TipAbstract
The main purpose of this study, to present the role of two widely used tip distribution systems (pooling/individual) in food and beverage sector on the effect of organizational justice on organizational commitment. In addition, the study aims to determine which tip distribution system employees prefer. The data gathered with convenience sampling method from employees working in Alanya in April-June 2018. The analyses were conducted on 466 valid questionnaires. Research results show that organizational justice perception has an effect on organizational commitment in both distribution systems. Distributive justice perception and normative commitment of employees working under individual tip distribution system are relatively higher than the employees in pooling system. Most of the participants prefer individual distribution system.
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