Culinary Culture and Atesbaz Veli Chair in Mevleviyeh


  • Mustafa AKSOY
  • Ayşenur Burcu AKBULUT
  • Nurhayat İFLAZOĞLU


Atesbaz Veli, Mevleviyeh cuisine, Culinary culture


One of the most important features among Mevleviyeh culture is ordeal tradition; and, it is
expected from a dervish to complete a thousand and one days period of ordeal. The
cuisine (matbah) in Mevleviyeh is the place where cooked meals, as well as where
dervishes conduct their training and complete their ordeals. In this context,
systematization and sustainability of this system is required to person who is dedicated
and willed to this extremely difficult task. Sultan Veled, who is the son and successor of
Hz. Mevlana, is the pioneer of Mevleviyah. While this culture has expanded in the time of
Ulu Arif Celebi, one of the heroes was behind the scenes is Atesbaz Veli. Atesbaz Veli,
having the first known cook mausoleum, has become important with regarding to its effect
on the decision of gastronomic travels and freedom of destinations because of the
revealing of highly original cultural elements of the Mevlevi cuisine. In this study, it is
aimed to specify the features of Mevleviyeh kitchen and to make senior cook Atesbaz
Veli, who has an important place for the ecol of Mevlevi school education, more


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How to Cite

AKSOY, M., AKBULUT, A. B., & İFLAZOĞLU, N. (2022). Culinary Culture and Atesbaz Veli Chair in Mevleviyeh. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 4(1), 96–103. Retrieved from

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