Development of The Gastronomy Tourism Literature: A Research on Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies’s Articles
Development of gastronomic tourism, Gastronomic tourism studies, BibliometryAbstract
Bibliometrics began to be used at the beginning of the 1900's, even with different names. The use of the term in its current sense was made by Pritchard's article in the second half of the 1900's In this study, the development process of the gastronomy tourism discipline was tried to be clarified by bibliometric analysis because this development is also an important developmental point for a destination at the same time. For this purpose, 281 articles in Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies (JTGS) analysed between 2013- 2018 were used. In the broadest terms, parameters such as the author of the article, the references cited by the articles of these authors and the authors of the relevant sources are taken as basis. In the direction of the analysis made, the findings about the authors working in the discipline of gastronomy tourism and the types of sources studied were presented so that the development process of the gastronomy tourism literature was revealed.
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