Analysis of E-Complaints for Restaurant Enterprises in the World's 50 Best Restaurant List
The World’s 50 best restaurants list, TripAdvisor, Complaint managementAbstract
In this study, it was aimed to determine the problematic aspects of restaurants entering the Top 50 Restaurant List of the World expressed by customers by analyzing the complaints shared on TripAdvisor that is the hotel, restaurant and destination interpretation site. The content of 1037 complaints shared in English for the 50 restaurants on the TripAdvisor site was analyzed through descriptive analysis. It has been determined that the complaints of the customer complaints about the restaurants are mainly about "average" value, concentrating on price-quality balance, under expectation / disappointment and taste. Findings show that restaurants are inadequate in terms of price quality balance and therefore businesses need to find solutions to this issue. In line with the results obtained, recommendations are given to restaurants in the World's Top 50 Restaurant List, who are striving to enter this list and want to provide quality service.
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