The Concept of Molecular Gastronomy
Gastronomy, Molecular gastronomy, Gastronomy educationAbstract
The rapid development of technology has made it possible to use different equipment and
techniques in the field of gastronomy as in many areas. This study is a review on
molecular gastronomy which has become quite popular in gastronomy world in recent
years. In this study it has been revealed that there is a wrong perception that only chefs
take advantage of the techniques of molecular gastronomy; however, food industry, chefs
and students also use the techniques. It is understood that molecular gastronomy
techniques are still used by the famous chefs around the world. The ones applying the
molecular gastronomy techniques are shown among the most famous chefs in the world. It
is observed many of these chefs have been trained in the field of molecular gastronomy
and they seem to make joint efforts with universities to follow the molecular gastronomy
techniques. In Turkey, In the curriculum of the schools that provide gastronomy education
molecular gastronomy courses are included. Molecular gastronomy will be significant in
terms of Turkish gastronomy’s competing with the world gastronomy
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