The Perception and Attitude of Michelin Star Restaurant Chefs on Molecular Gastronomy: Evidence From San Sebastian, Spain


  • Aylin AKOĞLU
  • Osman ÇAVUŞ
  • İsa BAYHAN


Gastronomy, Molecular gastronomy, Michelin Star, Spain


This study was conducted to investigate the Michelin star chefs’ and customers’ perspectives about molecular gastronomy. Qualitative research method and exploratory research model were used in the study and interview method was applied for data collection. The field research was achieved by the interviews that were carried out with 32 Michelin star chefs in the SanSebastián region of Spain, which is central to the molecular gastronomy. Chefs’ thoughts and opinions related to molecular gastronomy were examined with a holistic approach. As a result of this study, it is shown up that molecular gastronomy techniques have contributed to the personal development of chefs, the ability to provide new flavors and to make extraordinary presentations, the area that requires expertise, the customer is more interested in aspects such as appearance and taste than the techniques and methods, the molecular culinary experiences have pleased guests, but it is presumed that this attention and curiosity will change with different approaches and techniques in near future.


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How to Cite

AKOĞLU, A., ÇAVUŞ, O., & BAYHAN, İsa. (2022). The Perception and Attitude of Michelin Star Restaurant Chefs on Molecular Gastronomy: Evidence From San Sebastian, Spain. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 5(1), 43–59. Retrieved from

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