Opinions of Non Governmental Organizations for the Image of Turkey in Germany


  • Mikail KARA
  • Ali YAYLI


Civil society, Non-Governmental organisation, Destination image


There are more than 3 million Turkish people in Germany and they have organised since 1970s they constituted their non-governmental organisations. These non-governmental organisations are volenteer not professional but they do gracious activities which are appreciated by German public opinion. From that point of view the main goal of the study is to find out effect about Turkish touristic image as a result of Turkish non governmental organisations activities and reflection in German public opinion. In line with this aim, an interview was held with Turkish civil society organizations in Germany to try to find out the current situation, its activities and relations with German society, the activities of nongovernmental organizations, their contribution to advertisement of Turkey and the formation of Turkey's touristic image. We have reported the data that we got from the interview with Turkish Non-Governmental Organisation in Germany. As a result of the research, it is seen that civil society organizations' activities are shaped according to the purpose of establishment and even though they are directly promotional activities on behalf of Turkey, they reflect Turkish culture in most of their activities.


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How to Cite

KARA, M., & YAYLI, A. (2023). Opinions of Non Governmental Organizations for the Image of Turkey in Germany. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 5(4), 116–141. Retrieved from https://jotags.net/index.php/jotags/article/view/311

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