Rekreasyonel Seyahat Motivasyonu Kapsamında Kapadokya Ziyaretinde Etkili Olan İtici Motivasyon Faktörleri Boyutu Değişkenlerinin Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Analizi (Multi-Dimensional Scaling Analysis of the Factors of Driving Motivation Factors Effective in Cappadocia Visit within the Scope of Recreational Travel Motivation)


  • Zehra BULUT
  • Ali YAYLI



Push travel motivation, Recreational travel motivation, Generations, Cappadocia, Hot air ballooning, Multidimensional scaling analyzing


While motivations direct individuals to travel, they also play an important role in determining their intention to participate in recreational activities. However, travel motivations may vary from individual to individual or even for the same individual at different times in line with the needs. The difference of the Cappadocia Region from other destinations is due to the attractiveness of the destination and the diversity of recreational activity opportunities from these attractions. The data of this study, which was carried out in order to reveal the relationship between the variables of the size of the driving motivation factors, which are effective in the current destination visits of domestic and foreign tourists visiting the Cappadocia Region, with generations, participation in the balloon activity and travel purposes, through multidimensional scaling (MCS) analysis. It was collected by face-to-face survey method between 22 August 2020 and 08 January 2021, on a voluntary basis, to all domestic and foreign individuals aged 18 and over. In the study, the population of the research consists of domestic and foreign tourists visiting the Cappadocia Region. The sample of the study consists of 385 local and foreign tourists who visit the Cappadocia Region for tourism purposes and who voluntarily intend to participate.



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How to Cite

BULUT, Z., & YAYLI, A. (2023). Rekreasyonel Seyahat Motivasyonu Kapsamında Kapadokya Ziyaretinde Etkili Olan İtici Motivasyon Faktörleri Boyutu Değişkenlerinin Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Analizi (Multi-Dimensional Scaling Analysis of the Factors of Driving Motivation Factors Effective in Cappadocia Visit within the Scope of Recreational Travel Motivation). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 9(Special Issue 5), 91–115.