The Impact of Tourist Lifestyles on Local Food Consumption: A Case Study of Foreign Visitors in Turkey
Lifestyles, astronomy Tourism, Local FoodAbstract
Since the sector of tourism grows in prominence, more individuals are choosing vacations to get away from their regular lives and find pleasure. Local food is a vital part of it, acting as an essential part of tourist incentives. Recognizing the factors that influence tourists' choices for eating local produce is crucial. This research study seeks to answer this question by examining the influence of socio-demographic characteristics on tourists intention eating local foods (TLFCV) using a widely known paradigm in consumer behavior – The Values and Lifestyles model (VALS). The study aims to describe the mental and social constructs that lie behind visitors' interest in and participation in local food encounters, using this approach. In order to achieve this goal, a questionnaire was given to foreign visitors to Istanbul. As travelers prepared to return home from their vacations, information was collected using well-organized surveys distributed at Istanbul Airport's International Departures Station. There were 500 legitimate responses to the surveys which was offered in seven distinct languages and had individuals from ten nations.
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