Türkiye’de İç Turizm Hareketlerinin Tahmin Modellemesi: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz (Forecast Modeling of Domestic Tourism Flows in Turkey: A Comparative Analysis)
Domestic tourism, Modeling, ForecastingAbstract
The success of businesses such as airlines, lodging properties, food and beverage, passenger transportation etc. operating in the tourism sector depends largely on tourism demand. Due to the deterioration of tourism services and limited capacity of tourism establishments to serve customers, accurate forecasts of tourism demand are extremely important for the success of tourism businesses. Therefore, estimating the developments in tourism with scientific basis methods is an important guide for central and local public administration programs and tourism operators. When examined studies on modeling and forecasting of tourism demand in Turkey, it has attracted attention as a majority of studies relating to non-active tourism demand. Based on this shortcoming in the literature, modeling with alternative methods of domestic tourism demand in Turkey in this study and will form the basis of the ex-ante forecasts for domestic tourism demand is aimed at developing prediction models with the highest accuracy. In the study, domestic travel volumes were taken into account as a measure of domestic tourism demand, and domestic travel statistics realized in 2009-I and 2019-III periods were used. The data used in the study are obtained from quarterly Household Domestic Tourism bulletins published by the Institute of Statistics of Turkey (TÜİK).
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