Seyahat Motivasyonlarına İlişkin Çalışmaların Bibliyometrik Analizi: Web of Science Örneği (Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Tourists' Travel Motivations: Web of Science Case)
Travel motivations, Pull motivations, Push motivations, Tourism, TouristAbstract
Travel motivation(s) research has been a subject of great interest to researchers from past to present, and many studies have been written in national and international literature on the travel motivations of tourists/visitors/travelers. Generally speaking, the basis of academic/scientific studies on travel motivations are efforts to investigate why individuals want to travel and to determine their future travel preferences. In this study, a detailed literature analysis of studies on "travel motivation" is presented. For this purpose, studies on travel motivation indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) database, which is accepted as a respected and comprehensive academic/scientific database all over the world, were examined within the scope of the research. As a result of the reviewing and applying categorical limitations, a total of 477 studies were found and examined. These studies were analyzed taking into account the classifications (year, research field, categories, publishing institutions, media, country, language, etc.) presented in the Web of Science database. The analysis results obtained are summarized in tables, figures and graphs for a visual presentation and to be more descriptive. Considering the findings obtained from the research, it is seen that quantitative methods were mostly used in the studies examined; Among the data collection methods, the survey technique is used more; The largest number of studies were carried out in 2020 and 2021; In terms of research areas, the most studies are in the field of "Social Sciences-Other Topics"; Most of the studies have been written in the form of articles; Among the striking findings are that the majority of the articles have been written in English and published in US-based media.
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