Turizmde Göz İzleme Alanında Gerçekleştirilen Çalışmalara Yönelik Literatür Analizi (A Literature Analysis on Studies in the Field of Eye Tracking in Tourism)
Tourism, Eye tracking, Literature reviewAbstract
One of the techniques that has been used in social sciences such as marketing and tourism in recent years is the eye tracking technique. Eye tracking is accepted as one of the effective techniques used in obtaining an idea about individuals' perceptions of the outside world and determining their visual attention and preferences. In this study, a detailed literature analysis of the studies carried out using the "eye tracking" technique, which is frequently used in disciplines such as medicine, marketing, neuromarketing, and psychology, and which has been observed in the field of tourism in recent years, has been presented. The studies evaluated within the scope of the research were obtained from the records in the Web of Science (WoS) database. In this framework, at the end of the literature review process, a total of 69 studies (articles, papers, book chapters) were examined. It was observed that in the studies examined within the scope of the research, quantitative and qualitative methods were mostly used together, mixed method and methodological triangulation approach, which was carried out by including interviews with the participants, was used in these methods. Another important point that draws attention in the research is that there is no study published in Turkey regarding eye tracking techniques and applications in the field of tourism. This finding also reveals the originality of this study and its effort to fill the gap in the literature. It is thought that researches based on eye tracking techniques, which were used in various fields such as health, medicine, psychology and marketing, and which have become popular in tourism in recent years, will contribute to the interdisciplinary scientific literature in the field of tourism, together with the sectoral benefits.
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