Examining the Selections in Restaurant Menus with Eye-Tracking Technique
Menu design, Eye movements, Eye-tracking, Scanpaths, Restaurant menusAbstract
This study aims to understand the decision-making process of restaurant customers through menu designs. In this context, the study was carried out in a simulated restaurant. This study was designed according to the design and development research. 13 participants were determined voluntarily by the purposeful sampling technique. Three differently designed menus were examined with an eye-tracking device. It was concluded that the use of visuals in the menu is not completely effective. The most focused area of the costumers was the middle part of the right page in the menu, and orders were given from this part. Although an average screening path was specified in the study, contrary to the literature, the first point to look for didn’t coincide with the point where the orders are highest. It can be said that the sweet spot was not found. Also, the order of gaze didn’t affect purchasing behavior.
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