Yemek Bağlamında Kültürlerarası Etkileşim: Göç, Yemek ve Kimlik İlişkisi Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Çalışma (Interaction in the Context of Food: A Conceptual Study on the Relationship between Migration, Food, and Identity)
Migration, Migration cuisine, Intercultural interaction, Food culture, Food and identityAbstract
This study examines the relationship between migration, food, and identity. Drawing upon various academic studies, the impact and interactions of immigrant food culture on the host society are emphasized. Research suggests that immigrant cuisine can exhibit resistance, adaptation, and even influence the consumption preferences of the host community's culinary culture. Additionally, it highlights that the migration of food culture can facilitate the emergence of a new fusion cuisine by combining with the culinary traditions of the host society. The rationale behind this study is to comprehend the interactions between immigrant and host community food cultures. In this context, the study explores how these interactions are shaped and which factors influence this process. By doing so, the aim is to deepen the understanding of the relationship between migration and food, and to enhance intercultural communication and understanding.
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