Gıda Güvenliğinde Sosyal İstenirlik Ölçeği: Bir Ölçek Geliştirme Çalışması (Social Desirability Scale in Food Safety: A Scale Development Study)
Social desirability scale, Food safety, Confirmatory factor analysis, Exploratory factor analysis, Scale developmentAbstract
The aim of this research is to develop the Social Desirability Scale in food safety. Within the scope of the research, 8 of the 5-star hotels in Belek region were determined by purposeful sampling technique. The questionnaire technique was used as the data collection technique, and a total of 351 kitchen and F&B employees were reached. Exploratory factor analysis demonstrated that the scale yielded 3 factors consisting of 20 items. The fit index values which obtained from confirmatory factor analysis showed that the social desirability model fitted well. The factor loads of the scale range between .406 and .898. The Cronbach Alpha value of the scale is .821 for the whole scale, .867 for positive self-deception, .844 for impression management, and .907 for a negative self-deception factor. According to these results, it can be said that the Social Desirability Scale developed for Food Safety is a valid and reliable measurement tool.
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