Sakin Şehir ve Kırsal Turizm: Eğirdir İlçesi’nde Bir Araştırma (Cittaslow and Rural Tourism: A Research in Eğirdir District)


  • Ali İNANIR
  • Abdullah USLU
  • Doğan ÇAPRAK



Rural tourism, Cittaslow, Eğirdir, Tourist experience


Cittaslow phenomenon is a concept emerged in Italy, is a concept also discussed in the self quite recently Turkey. This concept aims to improve the quality of life and ensure sustainable development by providing good ideas, experiences and mutual exchange of information for city dwellers and visitors. In this direction, the aim of this research is to analyze the interpretations made by to visit the district of Egirdir, which has a lot of attractiveness in the context of rural tourism and included in the cittaslow network, the local and foreign tourists on the TripAdvisor Web Site using the theme analysis method. A total of 221 local and foreign tourists visiting the region have a positive experience in the unique nature and scenery of the region, the lake in the region, the calm and peaceful structure of the region, the local products and dishes of the region, the recreation opportunities in the region and the hospitality understanding of the local people and tradesmen are effective. In the negative experience, inadequate promotion of the region, not enough to meet the needs of the tourism businesses in the region, the quality of service provided to visitors in the region is low and high prices have been found to affect.


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How to Cite

İNANIR, A. ., USLU, A., & ÇAPRAK, D. (2023). Sakin Şehir ve Kırsal Turizm: Eğirdir İlçesi’nde Bir Araştırma (Cittaslow and Rural Tourism: A Research in Eğirdir District). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 7(3), 1711–1726.