The Effect of Perceived Destination Image on the Attitude of Revisit and Recommendation: A Research İn Ilgaz Mountain National Park
Destination image, The attitude of revisit, The attitude of recommendation, Ilgaz Mountain National Park, University studentsAbstract
The expanding place of tourism sector in world economy increased the importance of touristic destinations. Destination image is an important factor in choosing a destination for tourists. For this reason, it is important to determine how the image of the destination is perceived by tourists, to develop the destination and to prolong the life period as a touristic product. In this study, it was aimed to measure the perceptions of the students of Çankırı Karatekin University Vocational School about the image of Ilgaz Mountain National Park. For this purpose, 310 students of Çankırı Karatekin University Vocational School have conducted a questionnaire in face-to-face questionnaire method and the questions about Ilgaz Mountain National Park’s infrastructure, value for money, enjoyment, attractions factors have been addressed in order to evaluate the image of destination and the effect of the perception on revisiting and recommending intention to the others. As a result of the analysis, it has been seen that there is a positive relationship between the perceived destination image and the attitude of the students to revisit and recommendation.
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