Eko-Etiketleme Girişimi İklim Değişikliği ve Sürdürülebilir Turizm için Çözüm Olabilir Mi? Nitel Bir Araştırma (Can Eco-Labelıng Initıatives Be The Solution for Climate Change and Sustainable Tourism? A Qualitatıve Research)
Eco-label, Climate change, Sustainable tourism, Marketing, GreenwashingAbstract
Eco-labeling plays a critical role in combating climate change and promoting sustainable tourism. These labels encourage tourism businesses to measure and reduce their environmental impacts, thereby contributing to the fight against climate change and facilitating the widespread adoption of sustainable tourism practices. In this research, studies conducted on sustainability, eco-certification, and eco-labeling practices in the tourism sector in Turkey were examined to elucidate how effective and efficient eco-labeling can be implemented. Secondary data compiled from the literature were analyzed through document analysis using a qualitative research method. Academic search engine Scopus was used to collect secondary data, and the data were obtained in June 2023. The findings identified the areas of use of eco-labels in Turkey and worldwide. The themes that emerged from the analysis included tourist behavior, the aviation sector, greenwashing, sustainability, policies and strategies, carbon footprint, gastronomy and the food sector, marketing, responsible production and consumption, education and awareness, biodiversity, architecture and construction, management, smart tourism, and digitization. Furthermore, the research discusses how eco-labeling practices impact climate change. Additionally, examples of eco-labeling applications used in the Turkish tourism sector are listed. Since no source was found in the literature on this topic, the research holds unique value in this regard.
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