Turistlerin Sürdürülebilirlik Algısının Destinasyon Hikayesinde Katılımına ve Deneyim Paylaşımına Etkisi (The Effect of Tourists’ Perception of Sustainability on Joining the Destination Story and Experience Sharing)


  • Büşra KAYA
  • Sinan Baran BAYAR




Story of destination, Experience sharing, Perrception of sustainability


The purpose of this research is to measure the impact of tourists' perceptions of sustainability on the story of destination and experience sharing. In the literature, the perception of sustainability, destination story and experience sharing are up-to-date and have not been discussed together. Moreover, with the increasing importance of sustainable values, it has become important to measure the impact of these perceptions on tourist behavior. In this context, it makes the study important both to eliminate the literal deficiency and to deal with a current issue. The research is based on the the mixed research methods. Data obtained from 392 foreign tourists in Kumköy, Manavgat, Side and Titreyengöl destinations were used. Moreover secondary data were used for qualitative method. SEM was used for analysis. According to the results of the research, the perception of sustainability affect the sharing of experience and joining the destination story. Moreover, joining the destination story plays a mediating role in the impact of sustainability perception on experience sharing.


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How to Cite

KAYA, B., BAYAR, S. B., & MEYDAN UYGUR, S. (2023). Turistlerin Sürdürülebilirlik Algısının Destinasyon Hikayesinde Katılımına ve Deneyim Paylaşımına Etkisi (The Effect of Tourists’ Perception of Sustainability on Joining the Destination Story and Experience Sharing). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 9(Special Issue 5), 509–526. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2021.971

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