The Importance of Electronic Commerce at the Marketing of Hotels


  • Ömer SARAÇ
  • Orhan BATMAN



Tourism, Hotels, E-commerce, Word of mouth marketing


Electronic commerce acts as a lifeline for small and medium-sized businesses that have problems entering the market in today's globalizing conditions. Service business, on the other hand, use electronic commerce mostly in marketing activities. Especially when hotels are considered, efforts to sell services and time have made it necessary for customers to increase their marketing activities in order to influence their purchasing decision. Word of mouth is the most effective marketing method for hotel customers. Customers only think that what non-commercial people say about the hotel reflect the truth and shape their purchasing decisions according to these discourses. Electronic marketing, on the other hand, is an online commerce area that allows hotels to write down their previous customers' thoughts about the hotel and potential customers to read them. Therefore, it has a great importance in the marketing of hotels. In this study, the importance of electronic commerce in the marketing of hotels is emphasized by using secondary data.



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How to Cite

SARAÇ, Ömer, & BATMAN, O. (2023). The Importance of Electronic Commerce at the Marketing of Hotels. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 8(Special Issue 4), 601–608.