Sosyal İstenirliğin Çevreci Duyarlılık, Tutum ve Davranışlar Üzerindeki Etkisi; Doğa Tabanlı Tur Katılımcıları Örneği (Effect of Social Desirability on Environmental Sensitivity, Attitude and Behavior; The Case of Nature Based Tour Participants)


  • Burhan ÇINAR
  • Alper DURAN
  • Hülya TAŞTAN



Impression management, Self-deception, Environmental sensitivity, Environmental attitude, Environmental behavior


Individuals' thoughts and actions on environmental issues are influenced by a wide range of factors. In this study, the effects of impression management and self-deception, which are the sub-dimensions of social desirability, on environmental sensitivity, attitude and behavior are examined in the case of nature-based tour participants. The data were collected by questionnaire from 325 people who participated in nature-based tours in Mersin according to convenience sampling technique. Correlation and linear regression analysis were used in the analysis of the obtained data. According to the results of the research, both impression management and self-deception have a weak and significant effect on environmental sensitivity, attitude, and behavior.


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How to Cite

ÇINAR, B. ., DURAN, A., & TAŞTAN, H. (2023). Sosyal İstenirliğin Çevreci Duyarlılık, Tutum ve Davranışlar Üzerindeki Etkisi; Doğa Tabanlı Tur Katılımcıları Örneği (Effect of Social Desirability on Environmental Sensitivity, Attitude and Behavior; The Case of Nature Based Tour Participants). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 7(3), 1727–1736.