Stakeholders Opinion Concerning the Possibility of Mardin Being “City of Gastronomy” in UNESCO Creative Cities Network


  • Semra GÜRBÜZ
  • Lokman TOPRAK


Gastronomic tourism, Mardin, Creative cities network


The study was realized with the method of taking ideas and information about the previously prepared 17 questions using face to face interview technique with the participations of the representatives of public institutions, academia, civil society
organizations and the private sector that are working in the field of tourism in Mardin. As a result of the study, the following information were reached; Mardin cuisine is extremely rich among the participants, there is a consensus on removing the forefront of this wealth within the diversifying tourism activities, only one stakeholder had detailed information on the subject of UNESCO Creative Cities, the studies concerning Mardin gastronomic tourism is limited to those made on an individual basis, there is not enough study for a comprehensive and forward-planned and no any organization or attempt has been come forward to guidance these stuies. The results of ‘there is a potential for achieving significant progress in gastronomic tourism area of Mardin in a short time with being member of UNESCO Creative Cities Network or with the efforts will be carried out from different funding sources and this can be realized in a short time with plannings that will be realized with the leadership of any organization which can quide the academy or other related institutions and organizations’ were reached.


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How to Cite

GÜRBÜZ, S., ÖZALTAŞ SERÇEK, G., & TOPRAK, L. (2022). Stakeholders Opinion Concerning the Possibility of Mardin Being “City of Gastronomy” in UNESCO Creative Cities Network. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 5(1), 124–136. Retrieved from

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