Glamping İşletmelerinde Sınıflandırma Sistemlerinin İncelenmesi ve Türkiye için Öneriler (Examination of Classification Systems in Glamping Establishments and Recommendations for Turkey)
Sınıflandırma sistemi, Quality standards, Classification systemAbstract
Glamping tourism, which is seen as the new trend of recent years and offers both a modern and pastoral holiday experience by offering luxury and comfort in nature, has started to become widespread and popular all over the world and in Turkey. In Turkey, there is no quality standard and classification system for glamping businesses that offer a wide range of services, from businesses that provide basic services to businesses that offer ultra-luxury services, and therefore have a wide price range. In this study, it is aimed to present suggestions regarding the creation of a quality assurance standard and a classification system specific to glamping establishments in Turkey. For this purpose, the quality assurance standards and classification systems created by the glamping associations/unions in the United Kingdom regarding glamping were examined in depth, a process table was created for Turkey and suggestions were presented.
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