Destination Image of Lake Salda in the Lens of Tourists and Locals


  • Yağmur CAN GABERLİ
  • Buğcan GÜVENOL
  • Mehmet Emre GÜLER



Destination image, Lake Salda, Perception differences, Views of visitors


Salda, included in the World's Top 100 Geological Heritage List in 2024 and declared as the representative of Mars on Earth, is a remarkable destination thanks to its natural beauty and rare features. The number of visitors seeking to discover this unique destination is increasing day by day, driven by its uniqueness and promotional activities. In this context, it is important to determine the image of this destination. The study aims to determine the destination image of Lake Salda from the perspective of domestic tourists and locals. A qualitative research design was adopted, and interviews were conducted with a total of 30 participants using the purposeful sampling technique. The data was examined through reflexive thematic analysis using the MaxQDA program. It was concluded that Lake Salda has a positive destination image with its natural beauties and safe environmental perception, but the problems experienced in the conservation and promotional processes of the area, the deficiencies in the infrastructure and superstructure in the destination, and the unconscious behaviors of individuals are factors that negatively affect this image. Future studies can examine the sustainability of the destination in more detail, determine strategies for awareness-raising practices, and focus on the current status of alternative accommodation opportunities in the area.


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How to Cite

CAN GABERLİ , Y., GÜVENOL , B., & GÜLER , M. E. (2024). Destination Image of Lake Salda in the Lens of Tourists and Locals. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 12(4), 3087–3105.

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