Genişletilmiş Online Alışveriş Kabul Modeli ile Tüketicilerin Çevrimiçi Tatil Satın Alma Davranışları ve Risk Algılarına Kültürün Etkisi (The Effect of Culture on Consumers' Online Vacation Purchasing Behaviors and Risk Perceptions with the Extended Online Shopping Acceptance Model)
Technology acceptance model, Vacation purchasing behavior, Risk perceptionsAbstract
Technology Acceptance Model is used in most of the studies conducted to determine the behavior of consumers who make online purchase decisions. In this study, the perceived risk factor is also used with the Extended Online Shopping Acceptance Model. The main purpose of the research is to determine the online holiday buying behavior of consumers with the Extended Online Shopping Acceptance Model and to examine the effects of perceived risk on consumers and to determine to what extent Hofstede's national culture dimensions affect consumer behavior. It is of interest how much domestic and foreign tourists are affected by online shopping acceptance according to their nationality. It was deemed appropriate to collect the study data with an online questionnaire that is widely used today. The questionnaire consists of four sections. In the first part, there are questions about the extended online technology acceptance model, in the second part, there are questions to measure the perceived risk factor in tourism consumers' online holiday purchasing behavior, and in the third part, there are questions about Hofstede's national cultural dimensions. The last section includes demographic questions about the participants. According to the findings, as the uncertainty avoidance indices of nations increase, online vacation purchase intentions also increase.
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