Destinasyon Antropomorfizmi: Çanakkale İlinin Destinasyon Cinsiyeti Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma (Destination Anthroporphism: A Qualitative Research on Destination Gender of Çanakkale)
Destination anthropomorphism, Destination gender, Çanakkale, Destination brandingAbstract
Anthropomorphism practices are among the strategies that can be used to create highly competitive destination brand personalities in the tourism sector. Destination gender is a fairly new and original field of study that can be evaluated on an anthropomorphic basis in tourism. This research has the feature of making an important contribution to the national literature in the field of tourism. The application part of the study was carried out online with 793 participants without geographical limitation, and it was done with the help of a questionnaire that asked open-ended questions reflecting their perceptions, thoughts and feelings about the city, as well as what their gender would be if Çanakkale was a living creature. According to the results, it was revealed that the gender of the city is female and the dominant color is blue. It has been determined that the most important determining features are peaceful, happy, arousing love, longing and courageous.
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